The latest fruit research and information...

image of researchers working on low tunnel strawberries

140 years of Minnesota plums

May 15, 2018
a cluster of ripe plums on the tree

Settlers arriving in Minnesota during the 1800s looked to plums to satisfy their need for fresh fruit. And there's quite a story there.

by Emily Tepe

New to day neutral?

May 3, 2018
Picture of day-neutral strawberries

This type is new to Midwest production, and it might just mean you could have local strawberries for your shortcake in November!

by Nathan Hecht

Blueberries for the prairie

May 2, 2018
image of harvested blueberries in quart containers under a blueberry shrub

Blueberry plants are right at home in Minnesota. Just make sure to plant the right type and give them the right soil.

by Emily Tepe

A brief history of the kiwiberry in Minnesota

May 1, 2018
image of kiwiberries growing on vine

In June 2018, we started new research on kiwiberries for the Upper Midwest. Here's a little Minnesota kiwiberry history.

by Jim Luby, Bob Guthrie, Emily Hoover

Before you start an apple orchard

May 1, 2018
apple crates in orchard

If you want to start an apple orchard, you're in the right place. Find out some of the first steps of becoming a professional apple grower.

by Emily Tepe, Emily Hoover

About us

We are faculty, researchers, and students in the Department of Horticultural Science fruit research program. We partner with Extension educators, community organizations, and farmer-cooperators to solve problems faced by fruit growers across Minnesota.

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